attn: Don

:frowning: :frowning:

Want to borrow Dakota? :rofl:

I’m thinking of whoring her out to a friend that has a pure bred pug. I’ve already had offers of $2,000 a puppy :eek:

holly crap… do it.!!!

till i find a worthy lemon female beagle:blue:

No more dogs… Rudy is just fine.

Bailey, from the 1st litter

![ 25326.jpg]( 25326.jpg)

Pepsi, from the 2nd litter we just got from her aunt in trade for the shit dog from animal friends.

Bailey looks like her mommy and Pepsi looks like her Daddy.

those dogs would be so cool if only they did not bark

Those beagles are awesome compared to the crazy dog they picked up from Animal Friends.

Rudy (male from first litter. Baileys brother) only barks when we tell him to. He’s very quiet.


x2 with dodger from the 2nd litter.

howls on command and is extremely smart. he now knows when he wants to go outside to ring a bell


Wait… Dodger used to be Tanner?

Pepsi only really barks when she goes outside and the neighbor beagle isnt out and she wants to play…

other than that, they are both very quiet

I’m still strugging with Dakota. For some reason, she won’t go outside, she will go into the bathroom and go on the mat I have for when I get out of the shower. I can’t figure out why she does this, and I can’t get her to stop.

But Dakota is very quiet too. She’s also beyond hyper, which I love. She goes nuts though when she sees a big dog. She has balls the size of my head. She just flat out doesn’t give a fuck.

The mat…

Is it for her or you?

Is it for her to poo on or is it for you to stand on when you get out of the shower?

dodger is more of a cousin he is from rudy’s sister.

did you start taking her out right away when she was a pup? or sort of paper train her before moving her out? if the latter, then that is the mistake. never paper train a dog.

It’s for me so I don’t fall on my ass when I get out of the shower. Thing is if I remove the mat, she’ll just poop/piss on the floor. But always in the bathroom.

That’s why I’m confused. I never paper trained her. Never. The only thing I tried to do was I bought those puppy pad things for them to pee and poop on (the smell attracts them or something) and put them outside, and she went to the bathroom outside on them. It’s just like, she won’t go to the door when she has to go. If she has to go and the bathroom door is open, she’s going in there… Otherwise, she’ll hold it until I let her out (which I do religiously about every 2 hours or so when I’m home, otherwise she is crated when I am not home). I’m almost of the belief that she sees my shitting in there, so she thinks its okay for her too.

Is the mat fabric? If yes… her scent may have gone thru onto the floor underneath and then she smells it and goes. Try washing it with either vinegar or lemon juice. This will kill the smell. If the mat is fabric, throw it away and get a new one…

If the mat is rubber, it too may be holding the smell. Rubber and plastics are porous and hold smells. Throw it away and get a new one.