Attn: fshowcars

great thread.

fshowcars is a meanie.

Yet people still like him more than you…how ironic.

By no means did I ever say he wasnt likable, or mean…or whatever…

Just noticed that he doesnt like A LOT of things…

Personally; I know nothing about this guy (as stated), Im not going to lose sleep over it.

YA!!! and he throws explosive stuff into fires!

who the fuck are you noob?? Get the fuck out of this thread and end your life, you don’t even know who these people are

I introduce you to 1 of the 5 previously named bullshitters showing his true colors!!

so do i!

why u sweatin it? its pittspeed high… ur either in the clique or ur not.

my true colors? wtf does that mean:dunno:

loud noises

bears smell menstruation

sluttywhitegirl gave up the throne?

Sonya get used to it, it’s either you get off to a bad start with him from the jump or he likes you for some unknown reason, someone that i have hung with on this board said “You and Sonny got off to a bad start, he thinks he knows everything about everything and you can’t tell him wrong.” So yea you have to deal with it, or use the nifty feature known as “Ignore”

this thread is worthless without pics of sonny’s car running


O look who the fuck is say ing “don’t sweat it” it’s only Pittspeed(pot calling kettle black maybe?). Live by your words BOB

im not sweatin it…

but when a bunch of shit heads try to bash me down bc im a “noob” or bc Im a female, I take it as a challenge.

I dont have a problem with half the people on here…but for some god known reason they always have a problem with me…so whatever. Grain of salt right?

I just like how its always 5 or 6 on 1. No love :dunno:

AW’s usually get no love…

so you dont get much of it either huh?

Its ok Devon…I still :love: you!!!

wait this threads missing something…

Anyone seen Pewter??? :dunno: