Attn: Pete

Keep it!!!

GLWS Pete! I’ll spread the word.

thanks Matt.

So how much do you really want pete?

better not be doing that shit in my golf!

ps: pete if i told u how much sex i had in that car, u would be discusted. im talking in the trunk hatch open legs haning out, front driver seat, passanger seat, back seat. one time with chick was blowin my while i was drivin and she spat my come all over the outside of the door. it was comical


Nm Pete, not interested anymore.


if it was a TDI it woulda been gone by now.

r u dening all the sex i had in that car? u cant hide the fact that there was but juice from both partners spread about the interior of the legondary golf

the stock AWD/AEB 20mm pin pistons are great. coated skirts, good c/r. a car just made 650whp on stock pistons and has been running that way for a while now. stock pistons are very strong… rods on the other hand, not so.

listen here Brett, im on here to make asshat look stupid, not u make me look stupid. pipe down already or else Tony will kick your ass. lol


so !!! sorry!!! dont!!! hurt!!! me!!!

no need to make pete look silly, genetics took care of that :lol

aaaaaaaaaahahahha omg im loling my ass off at work!!! hahahahah

fuckin head man! watermellon type shit

:rofl____:rofl____:rofl___:rofl___:rofl___:rofl___:rofl__:rofl__:rofl__ :rofl :rofl:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl


nice comment benny. asshole

@19 psi it made 306whp 330 lb ft of torque, with more boost it would not make more due to the intercooler being heat soaked.”

LIES! i was there, it was 24psi.

is where you seen this? looks to be fixed