ATTN: skully

Yea thats rigghhhtt !!!

Sully can’t even push his 3 ton VR4 into his own garage by himself.



Face Pwnd

I did most of the work. haha

Sully is bitch

me vs whoevaaaaaaaa

me vs adam
me vs krammers mom
me vs hank
anyone else wanna join in

I want to see a cage match

lol im watchin wrastlin right now,cuz i saw females going at it

PJB vs. Kramer-BIG money on PJB KO’ing Kramer or making him submit QUICK.

throw me on the card

I can haz fight?

Yeah, on the squat rack with me. It’s my only chance against you in the gym:ahh

Let’s see what happens when we are at the same bodyweight though:shifty Who am I fooling, you’ll still smoke me upper body

Me on squat would = my knee flying halfway across the gym :rofl

Yeah I hear you man, I understand why you can’t do them. I just had to flaunt ALL that I have, ha

Haha aint no thang!

The sad part is, is that my ENTIRE TOWN is ‘upper body warriors’, injuries or not.

Seems to be the going theme. Before my knee injury I had a best leg press of 810lbs, never did squats though wierdly enough lol. My legs were always strong from riding/racing BMX

Money on Sully.

WTF I told you to keep this between you and me. :banghead