hence buying the 240? im gettin so sick and tired of hearing that! ive wanted a 240sx for longer than i even had my grand am! why in the fuck do all of you insist i bought it to please the pittspeed members but think what youd like.
and i did change my sig to shut him up. im sick of bringing drama and stupid shit to this site! too much of it has been cause by me running my “internet” mouth and such so i dont even care anymore.
why dont you go back to your site and start drama with them…ohh wait you need actual people to visit your site for posts to be made.
All sites have to start somewhere, most of them start with 1 member, then grow from there.
i am drama-based…
well im glad your done with the stupid drama bullshit
im not. i have no use for conflict.
On the contrary, I was just stating that all sites have to start somewhere, which is a FACT, not drama.
come on now guys… my intentions were not to talk shit on huskygirl or her site… it was about his sig…