dude wtf??

even more wtf is that she looks like my friend kristin

:clap: zong.

this is a trainwreck hahaha.

wonder what the R in the movie stands for? repost?

I never got into these movies, maybe I’ll catch this one though

requiem… but repost will due for here

Probably will disappoint (again) a die-hard Alien fan like me. But they’ll still get my dough opening night.

this movie is soo jdm…

they fuck up the first one and slap an “R” on the end and its better

like the old video games, there was the first one and the “turbo” version…

lame :tdown:

has anyone seen this yet ??

that jess girl was hot and had an amazing body lol

shitty that she got owned

^ agreed.

however, i LOVED the way she got owned!!! I mean…the b!tch had it coming!

Yeah I was hoping she would at least show her tits. :wtf:. The actions scenes were good…other than that it was alot of blah blah blah.