Badass Auto Pictures Thread*

lol@rit sticker on evo

hated those fuckin things

hahahah… wtf?!?

Ugh thats some rubs son!

Dude that’s what my car would look like if this deal I’m working out with tungsten went through, only with these wheels:

But they’re 18x13 and wouls require mass fender work and stretching a 245/40 or something on them :rofl

Don’t know if want?

Stretch 245s? You’d be better off stretching 315s ha

haha cant spin em mayyn

^True! I was wondering about the pic of the 240 above, it has to have some kind of motor work ha

Auto-X fag for sure.

are those 17’s or 18’s on the 240? look to big for the car imo.

Sorry they are not 15’s Wallace, they are way to wide, but if done with overfenders instead of fender flares, it might look better. He would have to go a little more narrow in the front though, I don’t think they make 150mm front fenders haha

Pretty sure they are 18x10 18x13 and its a potato potato ls1

Theres a Quicksilver Supra on with those wheels. Looks absolutely NASTY.

could you imagine what an e36 sedan with those on all 4 corners would look like?

I cant.

Imagine it.

Obese open wheeled car?


I think I just… jizzed mah pantz