Badass Auto Pictures Thread*

love this EG -minus the cage

Really? (@ viper)

that ccxr is pure sechs

Sick azz Viper shot.


if it was air it would be gay. and riding to high.

^ That Lex is SICK. I love those. LS430?

430 is correct. 98-02.

did I really just see a Mazda 3 on the other page?


Get that shit out of here

please excuse my lack of knowledge about this but why do the rear wheels on these cars sit at such an angle? The tires cant possibly wear properly like that… Am i missing something?

They are cool DOODs.

Seriously that is the reason. Not joking at all

the tires cant wear even right? I dont get this at all but to each their own :smiley:

it’s called camber, camber will wear your tires unevenly but it won’t wear them quicker as long as the rest of your alignment is in check, until you reach crazy camber. and there are performance benefits for camber (even your car from the factory comes with negative camber) but most people that have it with flush wheels don’t really care about performance.

cool, thanks the the breif description. You learn soemthing new every day :thumbup

no problem, i try to help out when i can. i can’t stand hearing people talking about how camber wears out tires so quickly, and people that think if you run 2 degrees of camber thats way to much and your tires are going to hate you. toe is what wears out tires quicker then anything else, and negative camber helps u with grip in the corners. although i’m not gonna go into it too much as this is a picture thread and there are plenty of place on the net u can read up on it.