Less arguing, more Subarus.
Bro. Larger pics needed. BRO. You on 56k? Mad?
haha same here
coulda introduced yourself… i remember you always racing fonda’s srt4 and hed always pull you lol… i dont think you kno who i am lol
i was about to say that looks like JR’s rs lol…
see the buschur IC lololol
^ :rofl
I know its a small pic, but w/e

Bova he’s got a sleeve tat on his arm, looks like Jack black
Some one needs to change the thread title to sweet looking parked cars
Hey the one I posted wasn’t parked, you fucking homos
Well then post it in the “Legitimate Bad Ass Auto Pictures Thread”
We need to bring this back
Drama/Non-BadAssPics vvv
…still not sick of this car