beagle puppies for sale


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very cute…
my mom is half tempted to get one, but is just afraid of how our 14 year old beagle/golden retreiver/bassat hound will feel when we bring a puppy home…

hes in perfect health, just has a few lumps that are probably cancer, but he still plays and runs around fine, past 6 months he’s losing his hearing slowly…
i just hope he’s around another year :frowning:

acctually getting a puppy may help he. it will give him some companionship when you arent around.

we got a puppy when my old Lab started to get old. it kinda spunked her up some

get that dog a friend!!! now!!!

agreed. go get bruiser

eurodad,u have pics of the 5 left? all boys right?..

should be 2 girls 3 boys i think.

i saw the pics on the first page but which ones are the boys that r still left?

all of the boys are left.

in this pic, the females. the 2nd and 4th are left from left to right

i take pics of what’s left tonight or tommorow.

here are a few quick pics, i can take better ones tommorow or if you there is a certain one you see that you want better pics of. here are 5 pics. these are of the 3 boys

these are of the 2 girls

which one is the blue eyed one?

huh? they all have blue eyes when there pups!

oh. 2nd pic 1st post. is that bruiser?

no, that’s willie. bruiser is first pic second post.

There you go Nick, Thats the one you want

i thought he wanted a boy?