Because Race Car!

Does that GTO have black stripes? haha

I wasn’t a fan of this at first… but once I saw the picture of sean, I changed my mind

^^ haha that looks like psi2high in the back seat

You are correct.

That’s because it is

i know i was just busting his chops

I think that’s psi2high.

That guy looks a lot like him.

Who knew you could get arrested over a bucket of water…?

stilll thinking it could be psi2high.

Still thinking GermanPSI was sitting next to him.

:rofl nice!


Calm down SARGE

Lol at the infamous kids size small zoo York t-shirt.

Half belly shirt- half wet suit


Calm down flaker we cant all afford to buy mens extra medium tshirts like you

You definitely stole that from the lost and found at chuck- e - cheese.

I don’t see a problem with that