Blowup Snowman


haha jeff caved… problem solved!!!

:kekegay: Okay,So now let’s talk about a kitten - that’s what the 12 year old wants for Christmas.

do it for the kid!!!

and pull a eurodad!!! haha

i have kittens!!! free to a good home!

that redneck thing…Trust me…something similar has happend around here. Might want to stock up on a few replacements.


I thought I was the only one who did that… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

is it up this year??

every year i do it to a kids parents that i went to highschool with when hes home on break…they put them right back and it happens multiple times a year…

havent done it yet this year tho

so about the kitten thing… I am very allergic, but I have been taking zyrtec and while cat sitting for a neighbor I found I have no symptoms. Now I am not a cat person, but since cats are free in the apartment, it would be cool so have something else that is living around.
Never having owned a cat, only dogs, what do I need to know?

all u need to know is,pussys great! :angel:

^ ha ha

Those inflatable characters are cheesy as hell. My dad brought home a santa claus last week and I was raggin on him about it. He even inflated it in the house right in the kitchen so he could check it out. It was stupid until my nephew saw it. He smiled and laughed and kept pinching his nose. It’s not quite as stupid after that.

But its still stupid

I don’t believe you brought this back up. I might as well fess up. I bought her one of those snow globes where it blows the fake snow around inside of it.

And just like when this thread was started, I’m again going to spend thousands on the car. :smiley:

But I would have bought it for her anyway. She and the girls like them so if it makes them happy then fine.

this part made me laugh

HAHAHAHA… I forgot about “just pull a Eurodad”… hahahahhaa