BMW Unveils Twin Turbo V8

i have been thinking about this post of your for about 15 Min’s now, and i cant possibly see how this thing is in the least bit efficient in terms of heat distribution, your putting 2 turbochargers that are going to be spooling at a whopping 150,000 rpm’s, log manifolds, TONS of plastic that could melt, and not to mention a hood that is about 3 inches away from the compressor side, that cant be good for the paint…

if you could please explain how this is thermally efficient (not engine efficiency, but all the other components that are close)… i have studied the pictures, i just don’t get it guess??? :help:

you and i both know from expearence that when building a turbo setup keepin’ the hot stuff away from the cold stuff is key, which is why we usually stick our turbos away from everything, and heat wrap the shit out of them…