boost creep brian o'connor in ACTION

When I lived down in the city… everrrryone would fuck with me because i was the goofy, tall white boy who couldn’t dance for shit.

adam realizing you were recording and jumping in for 2 seconds fucking made it.

this just made me rethink ever getting drunk at jillians again…not that i have in a long time

  1. this is all cgi
  2. you are dead to me

LOL…I can’t wait til Saturday Ryan…should be epic.

This came to mind:lol

Ryan but i love u buddie… Oh fyi i think there could be a wedding video made n played at reception of this dancing

This is fucking awesome. I felt like i was playing san andreas @ the beach rocking to the van music:

X X X O [] ^ []O X FUCK!!! X O X ^ []

No video taping aloud at the wedding. Except the mainline guy who is filming the reception :rofl

we gettin white boy wasted

holy fuck.

I didnt think it was actually him until I read the rest of this thread.

damn thats some hilarious shit. Im not sure about everyone else but when I go out with my friends its usually those guys we make fun of LOL

Looked like a sick time for sure.

Smokin, girls like when guys have a good time dancing and acting goofy. Not when guys are in a group huddle talking about fishing or the time they beat a boosted scion tc.


he’s got a pretty wife so he doesnt have to give a fuck about what other girls like

Jesus Paul…

It’s smokin, he’s still gay in my mind.

lolz were had, who gives a shit. at least you had fun even if you looked like a mongoloid retard bopping to Kidz Bop 49

slowgto shots fuck my life up

hahah eh fuck it man, id prlly be right next to you dancing like a fool


