Bored, Took some pictures of the Fleet

I like #10 & 11! Nice stuff

Looks good. Its kinda funny to think about it, but muscle cars were the last generation’s fast cars. Now with so many Imports that are fast, will they be held in the same regards to our kids? When everyone has a Prius style car, will Civics then be the “Muscle car” of the current gen? :lol

That shot of just the rear end of the Camaro looks sick!

Love the cars Joey.My friend in high school had a gta just like that one,was awsome.

Pics look sick dude… 5 series is balllin!!

sooo when am i drivin the byyyrrrddddd

I knew that was coming lol

i know someone who has a GTA JUST like that one…except his has ttops…lol

Actually yes, and just as new imports are looked down upon, no matter of their performance by the guys who grew up around the years of the original muscle car, this generation in general will look down upon any fast electric car saying it’s not “proper”, similar how the new FWD 4cyl’s tin can rice burners are “not proper” compare to the classic RWD V8’s regardless of their performance.

With that said, Joey, nice shots and cars.

Thanks for the comments guys:thumbup

:lol we could probably take it around the neighborhood but that’s about it, I’m not going to put it on the road most likely.

T-top GTA’s = 305 = dumpy.

My GTA is all original, 55k miles(bought it back in '05 with ~52k miles), 5.7L 350. Motor’s hopped up a bit, but nothing crazy.

well…the gta is probably my favorite car in the “fleet” …my kind of ride…:thumbup

siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick i love those camaros!

loving the whole fleet, just wondering with all those v8s how you ever came around to liking a 4cyl

Cause 4cyls can make hella power on the cheap and get 30mpgs while doing it.

Well, the Trans Am was my first car…then I figured I’d try something new with the K swap which was relatively new at the time of the build(2007). I still like V8 cars, dream car is actually a Z06. But everything is just too expensive for me right now so I’m compromising with going fast cheap & reliably. :lol

!!! YEP

nice lookin bee emm dubya there