
by the way, i love how vbulletin doesnt stop you from putting a post in, just because someone else posted before you

Not the last I checked.

dooooooo iiiitttttt

Yeah I always hated that feature of SMF

and the funny thing is, i probably could of turned it off on SMF but never remembered to look :stuck_out_tongue: oh well


I couldnt find anything on the cheats. It just shows where the key for the backdoor is and I already have it.

Used game almost beaten ftw

haha that sucks i would think they would have a few walkthroughs,

maybe your just fuckin up and its so easy they didnt bother mentioning it :smiley:

Maybe but Ive been playing it several times and die when I jump at the tea cup thing.

I found a site with all the cheats and what to do and stuff but it doesnt mention the end.

lol oh well :stuck_out_tongue:

What I’m loling at is your playing fuckin Super Nintendo in 2009.

speaking of that…I have a 80GB PS3 to go buy:happy::open_mouth:

I just bought the SNES last year.

I used to have PS1 but gave it away. I never had anything newer.

well i just got back from skiing and in a bit i’m thinkin bout goin to get a sled and tie that behind sum1’s car and tow me around latham cicrle mall where its perefect sledding fun.

ahhaa i’ll tow u around doin 45 :smiley:

how ya get the smiles… like hayyyyy one.?

in your user CP go change your options around so u can have the WYSIG editor


why is this one called pete?

because youre gay

don’t talk to me.

dinner at outback, then out for a friends b-day, uptown drunkeness FTW