bragging rights... lol my kids made the paper

Very cute.

I was talking with the wifey, and she mentioned being on the post-gazette website… I started to mention the pic, and before I could explain she told me “can you believe how cute those kids are! and the fireman gave them real outfits to wear!” then I finished my sentence… anyways Chaz, she thought you had some cute kids!

haha thanks Foz, Foz’s wife and everybody.

BTW im sure they are mine… lol

haha…that’s awesome

Definitley the mail mans kids

milk man. thats where i came from…

you came from the security gaurd at the womens prison :kiss:



aw how cute! you should have said something. lol I would have saved the article.

i miss those guys, ill have to come see them soon.

are they yours?

no thats where his brother came from…

I would believe that, but Mac and his dad are too much alike…

sappy cunts

if your asking me, no they are not, but i wouldnt mind at all if they were.

no shit. they look normal :kekegay:

:zzz: you bore me.

as do u with ur posting!
