C-Span BREAKING NEWS - Nikuk has a 12 inch cock, thats why he doesn't like racism!

Yea idk if the effort was worth it anymore So much for pride :frowning:

2002 BMW M3
picture credits: Paulo

Hint: View, Source.

That doesn’t seem to helpful

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I don’t see why you have to give it away

edit: you jerk you stole my sig again

Hay11 ITs back!!

2002 BMW M3
picture credits: Paulo

It was just a hint. I could have said, “view source, notice how he doesn’t have a sig and /sig tag”.

I got yelled at in a PM by rick the first time the mods were muscle flexing over sigs because I suggested people just make their own sig with the img /img tag and map it to a key macro. He IM’d me and told me not to suggest ways to get around their policies. :lol:


Yes its a work around, but it requires him to make an effort on every single post.

Compared to his usual MO, extra effort is still punishment. :lol:

I don’t have a sig picture limit though… what are you going to do ban me for it :slight_smile:

2002 BMW M3
picture credits: Paulo

if you wanna get technical, you’re working around a site policy… there fore undermining the moderators - a 5 pt infraction which never expires. You only need 4 pts to have a sig removed… do the math.

It’s a long leash. :slight_smile:

True, but there is that satisfaction you get for flipping the bird at authority to balance out the extra work. Even if it is just a virual bird directed at virual authority. :wink:

c-span should be something that’s paid for. just because.

Sadly I dont think i’ll ever have sig privy back anyway :frowning: You mods are jerks

^ 7/24

pffft who are you telling!

wait, wat?


2002 BMW M3
picture credits: Paulo

2002 BMW M3
picture credits: Paulo_______________
2002 BMW M3
picture credits: Paulo_______________
2002 BMW M3
picture credits: Paulo_______________
2002 BMW M3
picture credits: Paulo_______________
2002 BMW M3
picture credits: Paulo_______________
2002 BMW M3
picture credits: Paulo

That sounds very Frank Clark like.

Next thing you know ILC will be facing criminally negligent homicide charges somehow.

lol new title

2002 BMW M3
picture credits: Paulo

i’ve got nothing better to do here today

As you can probably tell I was at that point today too, but my ATM certification just wrapped up so now I have to get back to actual work. :frowning:

Ass to Mouth?? :lolham: