Yeah that one was a chain email that went around a while ago.
There’s the chick who named her son shithead pronounced shiTHEEED
And the kids laMONjallow and orONjallow (lemonjello and orangejello)
Yeah that one was a chain email that went around a while ago.
There’s the chick who named her son shithead pronounced shiTHEEED
And the kids laMONjallow and orONjallow (lemonjello and orangejello)
My sister-in-law taught a kid named Unique Platinum Steel…no lie. I’m not sure how it was spelled, but that’s how it’s pronounced.
We have licenses for everything else including marriage. I am shocked you don’t need a license to reproduce.
A few friends teach at some city schools and some of the names just amaze me. I swear sometimes they just throw syllables or random words together and call it a name.
Shadynasty was one of my favorites that always turns up. Its pronounced Sha-Dynasty.
Probably because your professor valued his life.
Just another reason why people should be required to a hold a license to procreate.