Call Out: The Freek

this shit is unreal…kill stories are more wah than fucking racing…christ im glad i have a slow NA DD to roll in so i dont have to deal with some of this shit

kill story posts should be the two people who raced and then someone posting the video, and then people saying “nice race”


if you have a small whimp ass dsm stock turbo, NOONE CARES, b/c thats what you brought, dont blame the loss on it b/c YOU BROUGHT IT, noone forced you to race with it…

if you have a shitty converter and are over-revving gears, HOORAY, thats what happened

OH NOES, THE RAIN THE RAIN :ohnoes: who fucking cares, if you were dumb enough to race in it, you should have been prepared to wreck in it, not whine that its the reason you lost

race -> video -> ? -> profit