Caprice rollin' on 30s

iam so sick of these car i seen a red buick on 26s the other day. the guy not only pulled in the driveway off of elmwood at 2mph but he backed up. why the fuck would u do that

i like it

i want one

does it have an elevator to get up there?

I would rock a box with 26s

They’ll be here for awhile…then it’ll be something else retarded…different or whatever.

Hopefully he crashes, it goes up in flames, as does the plant where they were created.

people buy them off there grandparents right about they die with low miles clean paint. perfect for rims because everyone has one. Hell most people get them for free…


baller on a budget!


baller on a budget!


apparently you didnt read and see the rims were $30k

that is the coolest thing i have ever seen

Some of the 80’s chevy’s actually look decent with a larger rim,not obnoxious like that though.:tdown:


apparently you didnt read and see the rims were $30k


Apparently you didnt see he only has two, not a full set :wink:

i cant lie i love donks


Scary part is the brakes don’t look upgraded…Don’t drive in front of this guy.


i was thinking the same thing. i was hoping the guy doesnt actually drive this thing because it has to be hard as hell to stop

I like it for the pure absurdity of it.

It needs the Cheetos “In your area eatin dem snacks” paint job.


apparently you didnt read and see the rims were $30k


Worst. Mod. Ever.

you guys really need to see my neighbor hood down here, its sad how bad of shape some of the donks are with how large of rims


man, i dont know why, but I love cars on floaters…


them ain’t floaters…

but the shit’s totally hot. It’s awesome how wacky it looks. I would DEFINITELY rock that car. Glam-boastin


them ain’t floaters…

but the shit’s totally hot. It’s awesome how wacky it looks. I would DEFINITELY rock that car. Glam-boastin


i could see you in that.