case and armband for Ipod 4th gen Nano

still for sale and its not August yet

Congrats on your new purchase, maybe you can let me borrow it sometime? Then I might buy one for myself.

Epic thread :lol

Paul I highly recommend that you post a picture of said items with a copy of today’s newspaper and your user name to prove that the items are still for sale. Until then we have reason to believe that the items have been purchased and are no longer for sale.

So let me get this strait, it will work with my zune and my iPhone, plays VCDs, HDDVD, cassettes, Laserdisks and your willing to ship it internationally all on your birthday?

Fuckin Sweet. It’s too bad you. Sold it already

and hes looking to trade for burger king

fuck fast food

pjb… have you thought about maybe hiring a marketing agency to help you sell this thing?

I’ll throw it up on my tuning website, Should sell quick up there.


that might cost a little more than $5

Just threw this up on 14 other forums for ya Paul, GLWS.

Motion to move to epic.

Motion denied, he already sold this to some guy in Pakistan and was generous enough to cover the shipping charges for him.

A+++ seller right there!

happy birthday paul

Trade for a 1998 ford ranger?

PJB you’re selling your birthday presents?

If I were him I would! With all the birthdays he has, he stands to make millions!

The value of this arm band has to have doubled by now, think of the legendary status you will have by owning a piece of history. You can tell all of your friends “I own the iPod arm band from that thread…with PJB sweat still on it”

I’m fuckin’ dieing here