case and armband for Ipod 4th gen Nano

I am, ill send the paypal right now.

I think you just want my address so you can come to my house at 3 am in a clown costume and jerk your crooked dick off while looking in my windows

hey, its a legit item for sale

Send it without a return address then, fuckface

Paypal automatically puts an address on it

Huh? I’ll send you a paypal for 20 bucks along with my address, you throw it in a box or whatever and send it

yeah… the person who is sending money. and only if it’s sent as a payment for goods or services

I’d contribute 10 that makes it $45.

ill toss a 20 in. 65 bucks for this shit for just a video…do it

if thats what travis wants he can paypal me 3 dollars and ill give him detailed information about where you live and how to get there

so $65 for a quick explanation of what you’re about to do, a quick burnout, and then a synopsis after-word of how things went. Sounds like an easy $65 for about a half hour’s worth of work

pm/paypal sent-Jellies, hide ya truck hide ya quad

Sig material right here…


PJB, just drive over it with the Mustang, you dont even have to burnout on it. Put it on the grass and do a “burnout” there on the grass, make a quick commentary on the arm band = Profit.

6 pages of this just made my hangover go away.Wayne,Spilner and I returned 20$ in bottles from my party last night to contribute to the video fund.

my car isnt coming out of the garage for this

im about to drivve over there buy it for 5, make a video and profit…


This an exploding offer for PJB only, sorry.

:rofl :rofl :rofl

Paul, autograph it, and just donate it to the salvation army, list on the form the msrp was $10 and the autograph is worth $1000. If you get a percent back on your taxes from the charitable donation, you could make BANK on it.