checking in to say hi

What were you asking?


Apparently she has been spending most of her time on her new favorite bulletin board:

Welcome back.

I’ve been trying to think of something funny he’s done
Can’t think of anything tho

here’s one
We have a new neighbor.
Rumor has it he is a retired gay school teacher
He built this bright yellow house and has irritated me since the day the bulldozed and our house filled with field mice.

He has been trying to cut the weeds he calls a lawn.
So we get home from somewhere last weekend and this dumbass is outside “scalping” his weeds. All you here is rock after rock getting slammed with the riding mower blades. Big dust clouds coming up around this guy. Then he turns his mower so it is ppointing at our house and my TB. I’m sitting on the bench out side and a rock falls from a tree overhead. So I start think " I hope this MF’er hits my truck cause I’m calling the cops". Next thing I know, I hear the door of teh house slam and here comes Eurodad. He is walking fast (he never walks fast) then he gets to teh driveway and gets this pissed off look on his face and starts running ( he never runs). He runs right up to the gay, retired school teacher and yanks the key out of the riding mower and throws it in the guys yards (which is mostly dirt except for a coouple of patches of weeds) and yells at the guy to pay attention. I’m still sitting on the bench thinking “hmmmmmm better call my Dad to find a good attorney”.
The guy just kinda sits there stunned and then goes into his house and gets a new key and fires up the riding mower again, without teh blades on, and goes to teh other side of his yard and starts bblasting rocks at the other neighbors home.
The next day, I see a craftmans key on the counter with a key chain saying something about “mow safely around kids”.

That is teh most recent funny Eurodad story.

did he get some from the homo?


So…the guy isn’t allowed to mow his lawn?

damn people trying to keep their lawn looking nice. more people should have a field in their front/back yards like i do!

Swarzkopf and tegSimple…
Of course he is permitted to mow his lawn… when he gets one. All he is doing right now is blasting our house and cars with rocks. They bulldozed his yard to build teh house and it has not had teh lawn put in. If he really insists on mowing his lawn, he should aim the debri at his own property, not mine… or my kids. Have you ever been hit with a rock that flies out of a mower? That shit hurts bad.

No, but I think he may have scared the guy straight

And I am very disappointed in you guys for not making fun of him getting rough with the RETIRED guy next door.

wasn’t that funny :rofl:

who are you?

I can’t believe my favorite “fluffer” forgot me.


Wow! A 10 month bump!

i felt it necessary to post now.

arent you that +35 milf?

yes yes
I’m the +35 one

Was it really? I didn’t look.

were you off makin babies? u been absent for a long time

just been busy at work
I haven’t been working 2nd shift for a few months
Back on it this week.