fyi hondaftw and cky are the same
and coveted hilton and just karter are the same lol
February 3, 2009, 7:10pm
They are both banned. We knew they were one in the same.
February 3, 2009, 7:12pm
Yo i know who he is…
Heres a picture
Hes that dang monkey on ny speeds back!
why are they listed seperate in the poll?
February 5, 2009, 12:52pm
I think Obama’s win is the feel-good thing of the year - both in the US and worldwide. Now thie big question is how he’ll really govern - and whether or not he can handle Pelosi and Reid, who will have agendas of their own.
It’s interesting in that he’s already named his good buddy (and extremely blunt talker) Rahm Emanuel (a.k.a “Rahmbo” to the Republicans) as Chief-of-Staff. I wonder if he’ll really follow through on his campaign promises and hire Republicans in his cabinet (and I don’t mean minor posts, either).
ummm no, biggest 2 day drop since 87 and largest post election decline since 1900!
Particularly this one. He’s going to raise capital gains, estate taxes should stay ~ 45% After an exemption of $3.5m. He is going to raise corporate taxes dampening dividends an profitability and no one knows what he plansd to do with IRC Section 401 paragraph k.
The market hates uncertainty. And we are certainly in a rather large state of one right now
That’s what I don’t get about all you Obama humpers, no one knows what the fuck he is going to do, yet many of you have already anointed him the best president of the last 100 years and he hasn’t served a single day yet.
To bad it isn’t and they haven’t done shit with it. It was supposed to free up credit, but it hasn’t because none of the companies that got any of it are lending it anyway. All they are doing is sitting on it and we’re in the same boat weather they got the $ or didn’t. Citi is still cutting 50,000 jobs, BoA is cutting 35k jobs. And there is still a credit crunch in this country. How many times did AIG come back for more and then threw a $500,000 party with it. Where’s the oversight of the banking and finance industry? Where’s AIGs plan? How did their execs get to Washington, or better yet, did they even have to go? This whole polotical and financial system in this country is F-ed. All of them are corrupt. I’m starting to think Blogojevich is the norm not the exception.
Part of the reason the Auto makers are even in this mess is due to the credit disaster that started in the Mortgage industry. The only reason Ford isn’t in dire need isn’t because their cars are any better then GM or Chrysler’s, its because they mortgaged everything in 2006 for cash when they could get credit. Because the banks got greedy that credit isn’t available any more for Chrysler or GM, so their only other line of credit is the Fed.
I’m stealing much of this post from another forum, but they are great points and very applicable to this thread…
Time for the banks to pony up. They got their bail out to ammend their gross mismanagement. They plan the signed for the automakers in a LOAN.
The gov bailed out the banks to get ALL credit flowing again, not the stock values for the BOD bonuses.
Goldman Sachs made $2.3bil last year and paid a whopping 1% tax on that. (They paid 34% the year before.) How? They moved their bulk accounts off shore. Then they showed their American accounts as being in arears. The .gov bailed them out and they took that $$ and put it DIRECTLY into bonuses.
But shame on these auto companies that have no financing available to them because the banks won’t come off their cash and lend out money, even though the Fed gave them 700 Billion to do just that. Guess we should have asked the banks for their plan on how they were going to get credit flowing agian. Perhaps they mistook credit for bonuses.
To my surprise I was pullingin the TA, he wasn’t getting away from me at all. He must have let off certainly. No way an LS1 GTslO with a baby cam weighing 3800lbs could be pulling on a 4th gen that’s ~500 lbs lighter. So I stay behind as we turn off onto a regular 2 lane road stuck behind traffic again.
Oops! Forget which account you were on?
February 5, 2009, 12:54pm
so you were right all along.
February 5, 2009, 12:55pm
o dip!
well at least now we know that no one will get junk pics sent to them anytime soon
February 5, 2009, 12:56pm
Perma them both?
Yep. All the stupidity on here makes me want to choke a kitten anyway. The last thing we need is someone intentionally derailing automotive threads with overt vtec humping. Pretty shitty thing to pull if you ask me.
February 5, 2009, 12:57pm
what a fucking cock bag that fucking guy is
WHAT A FUCKING LOSER for real, talk about someone who has no life AT ALL
February 5, 2009, 12:58pm
what would be the point of having 2 active accounts?
February 5, 2009, 12:58pm
So rj-92 = civicjim is the conclusion here?
February 5, 2009, 12:58pm
OMG! SO he civicjim was junksender?!?!
February 5, 2009, 12:59pm
Yep. And about a couple of months ago he decided to use the civicjim account to act like the ultimate Honda humper for fun.
February 5, 2009, 1:00pm
umm why wasn’t this conclusion drawn when the IPs matched?
February 5, 2009, 1:00pm
lol. hes the one who fucked up, no one knew