Clinton Smacks Down Fox News (For JEG)

I just wish Clinton would have tried this with Tim Russert, because there’s a guy who actually knows how to do his homework for an interview. Maybe then, instead of cowering and letting Clinton turn the interview into another slick willy spin speech, he might have brought this up:

In the fall of 2000, in Afghanistan, unmanned, unarmed spy planes called Predators flew over known al-Qaida training camps. The pictures that were transmitted live to CIA headquarters show al-Qaida terrorists firing at targets, conducting military drills and then scattering on cue through the desert.

Also, that fall, the Predator captured even more extraordinary pictures — a tall figure in flowing white robes. Many intelligence analysts believed then and now it is bin Laden.

But, as much as I’m not a Bill Clinton fan, I have no doubt he would have done more to get Bin Laden had he had some magical power to see what was going to happen on 9/11. There has been way too much monday morning quarterbacking when it comes to 9/11, from both sides, but that’s politics.

As for this interview, it simply doesn’t impress me. A better interviewer would have been better prepared and Clinton wouldn’t have been able to spin things so easily.