Computer People: Please Critique This Build List

Why? Because I have half a brain and know how to use Windows properly (never get viruses, it’s never slow, never blue screens on me due to OS issues, etc.) and find no need to buy a Mac for 2x the price because it doesn’t get viruses (the biggest reason people say they like Mac or why Mac is better :lol)? My Windows box does everything a Mac can and better. Why would I spend a whole lot more money for a Mac vs a PC?

To me, Apple Mac is WAY over priced and over rated. I’ll buy an iPhone or iPod no problem, but Mac? Hell no. Especially when you consider you’re paying that much extra just for the OS and it’s features as a lot of Mac’s use the same hardware as PC’s now. That’s ridiculous.

The ‘bitch’ here is you. Apple owns yo ass if all you do is buy Apple products because it’s, “OMG! APPLE!”


I use a program called AllwaySync right now that copies from my PC 2TB to my NAS 2TB (which eventually will be mirrored in the NAS).

Great little program.

Interesting. When it syncs a drive to an outside external HDD, does it wipe the external (a true sync), or just add to whatever’s on it? This would work, but I dont want to lose the other stuff on the external HDD.

It looks for file changes. You can customize it to skip certain files (like, I don’t have it backup my video game install folder but does everything else on that partition). Or I have it skip the .tib files (which are my Acronis Hard Drive clones) and keep them on the NAS and NOT copy them to my local 2TB drive.

You can set autosync based on time, or when the drive is detected, etc.

I use it at work to propogate a bunch of files I constantly update across multiple save locations, etc.

Very handy IMO. First time you run it, it will take FOREVER…but after that it’s really quick.

Roger that.

This is a perfect example of why the internet sucks.

Why do you drive that Monster-Truck Infinity? Why not just get a Maxima and put some other EBay wheels on it?


Sometimes, you have to spend to get what you want. If we didn’t? We’d all be driving a fucking Hyundai Sonata.

You don’t know what kind of computers I have. So how can you attest to my computer purchasing decisions? GWTP.

Who said I was talking about your purchasing decision(s)? :lol

It was a general rant about people who buy Mac’s over PC’s. The majority of them fall into these categories:

  1. Don’t know how to use Windows and can’t be bothered to learn it. Once you learn it, the OS is very stable and pretty powerful. And the thing is, it’s not rocket science. People are just lazy.
  2. All their friends have them due to number 1. So they get them because it’s ‘cool’. As most Mac users why they bought it…and they will stutter and stammer for an answer if you ask for a specific reason.
  3. They actually know why they need a Mac, etc. This group is probably what you, AMD, etc. fall under.

If you think that most Mac users don’t fall into 1 or 2, you’re mistaken. Badly mistaken. I’m sure some of you (AMD, you, etc.) actually may have a reason or a legitimate pro/con for going Mac vs. PC but most of your bretherin have no. f’in. clue.

I work in IT support…I’m at peoples desk’s all the time…and you know how many stupid, unfounded questions I get for Mac vs. PC? All because of the misinformation that is spued by other Mac users (who like I said above, don’t know jack for the most part).

A very small percentage of Mac users are actually technically inclined and understand the inner workings of their PC’s, etc.

I will give Apple props for capturing the ‘idiot segment’ of the market. Ease of use. Ease of use. Ease of use. That’s what sells their machines, phones, and other devices. Good for them.

omg who caresssssssssssss


Looks good but you don’t need to run any hard disks you get in a RAID just use them in normal mode.

I’d also look into an HD media player to stream movies from your server to your tv. I have the Western Digital model and it’s full HD.

Thanks. I’m planning on using them in RAID so I have a backup of all my files should a drive fail. Is there a better way I’m missing?

I’ve looked at those and just sent a WD TV Live back to Amazon for running slow as shit constantly and it still wouldn’t play 40% of my mkv files without transcoding. Pain in the ass. Good for you of you got one to work, I wasted too many hours and gave up.

Sorry I missed the “mirrored” part after the RAID in your OP. A RAID mirror is a good idea in this application since you’re protected from drive failure and it seems they’re becoming far too common.

Sorry to hear you’re having trouble with your Live TV box, I actually have an older version and it performs perfectly. It sucks to hear though since I wanted another one for my TV room.

RAID is the best way to go if you want to mirror data. Or you use the program I’m currently using if the drives are in different locations.

EDIT: Hudson posted again :lol

120gb ssd $129

Good looking out. Just ordered two SATA 3 SSDs and a bunch of other stuff today from Newegg. Circumstances changed and I’m now rebuilding the office comp first.

Wow thats a good deal!

It’s only sata 2 though otherwise that’s a fair price for a SSD.

Building overclock 2500k deal this weekend, will be posting threads with annoying questions for the super nerds. Please stay tuned.

don’t forget to spit on head of the cpu before you lay the heatsink over it, seriously

Keep us posted. I’d like to see some benchmarks.


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