oh shit…
allison is extremly nice person theres no reason to be a dick
Oh yey Thom, your the WINNNNNNNNNER!!!
because ur 80 lbs wet
i mean she did date my room mate and all
and who told you i posted that here allison, i mean you never read nyspeed
so its ur roomate not ur bf,i also told her
I forgot all about this thread. Good read :tup:
see, i know alot more that you would know, lets just say there are some stories, and many of which this is nothing compaired to what she deserves
dont care keep ur personal beefs off the forum theres enough edrama imo
dont try to force your opinion on me if you do not want a response from me
i am with ^^^ this guy…:shoot:
Enough with the fucking beef
stfu both of you
god…you guys need a life!
Thom, stay out of what you know only one side of and i find it funny you didnt think I would find out about this.
and dont bother talking shit back. I wont be reading it! Because this is all stupid, just bringing more uncalled for drama to the internet!!!
lets hear the storiessssssssssss!