CONTEST: the most "myspace" girl



Uhg i just threw up a little bit in my mouth.




seriously, my friend actually found her…so then i lurked her for a good laugh. and then a few more times when i needed to giggle again.

im glad this thread is back.

I’d like to think that girl is my 100 pound ex girlfriend who’s life got ruined after she left me.


holy emo

This chick is fucking ugly, this is def the most myspace chick!

Heres more of her:


This chick is fucking ugly, this is def the most myspace chick!

Heres more of her:






tough to see when the host is down


I’d like to think that girl is my 100 pound ex girlfriend who’s life got ruined after she left me.





I am going to hell for this but…


id hit it



Hey I remember her from back in High School, time hasn’t been the most friendly to her to say the least. She had to deal with a lot a of shit because she couldn’t walk normally, but otherwise a good person the few times I talked to her. Definitely some bad myspace angled pics though like woah.

Totally adding though.


I am going to hell for this but…


Most obvious question that has not been asked yet…Who put her mohawk up for her???


lol i cant stop looking at her!

Yeah, I’m afraid to admit it but I actually met this one:

After she showed me this picture:

I was like oh word! So I picked her up from her house, met her at the door, and what do you know, she was the size of a linebacker. I drove around the block and then dropped her back off at her house saying that I didn’t think it was going to work (what was going to work, I have no idea)… She got out, slammed the door, and I was on my way.

dude, myspace rule #1 the angles make everyone look better! private profile, not much to go on here.


Yeah, I’m afraid to admit it but I actually met this one: Featured Content on Myspace

After she showed me this picture:

I was like oh word! So I picked her up from her house, met her at the door, and what do you know, she was the size of a linebacker. I drove around the block and then dropped her back off at her house saying that I didn’t think it was going to work (what was going to work, I have no idea)… She got out, slammed the door, and I was on my way.


should have gotten a BJ out of it


dude, myspace rule #1 the angles make everyone look better! private profile, not much to go on here.


Well the photobucket picture says it all

yeah boobs are cool.