Conversation with stacey sutter...


:rofl :rofl YESSS

Haha, Ilya got beaned

I got what?

i think he’s calling you someone of mexican decent. i think…



Hey look guys, its the first annual shift518 baseball meet, and Ilya is up to the plate.

wait…ilya’s a spigger?!

Yes. I am black. I am a black Ukrainian.

:rofl God this site is awesome

Never ceases to amaze

Seriously. I’m old and i have very nice hair. Its even starting to salt and pepper in nicely like Geroge Clooney. I as well as most of you other douchebags have lives that are so good that we can afford to have time to come onto shift518 and laugh at the other lesser beings that populate our little up state patch of land.

I’m really dissapointed i got in on this so late

Who is this chick even?

some dumb bitch with a broken vagina

She’s at it again with her incoherent babble text messaging

who is she texting? You?

Nope texting hatefield again

haha even though shes completely over him

Lmao yea we all met Al Hasan and he apologized to us about the videos and was actually a decent down to earth kid. Dunno why the fuck he was dating her bat shit crazy ass