COOL STORY BRAH!!! PJB approved!

you collect them too?

Actually, yes I did. :ninja My uncle has just about as many as u do and i used to run around with him killing time looking for them.

Cool. I figure Ive got a few thousand cars. I just picked up two at Walmart this morning. Not Treasure Hunts though. I havent had much luck finding them lately.


Yeah my uncle had hook ups at a few Toy-R-Us’s in the area. when they got cases in, they would call him and he could bust open the cases and pick what he wanted befor they hit the shelves!

I used to go and get some cool lookin ones, take them apart and customize them. i had alot of time on my hands!

Sometimes I wish I had a hook up but I dont.
Ive tried to customize a few but failed.

I started out buying a few here and there because they looked cool but then I went a bit nuts and now have quite a few more than I planned on having.

I just got a dumptruck from 1995 in the mail today- ebay win.
It looks like this but its still on the card:
$10.75 shipped.


i used to have a bunch of those…

Cool Story BRAH

You KrazyKid you.

I never had that one as a kid but I saved all the cars I had as a kid. Ill never get rid of them.

well its true. Happened yesterday actually. I bought some jerky and a beef stick at the dollar store and well you know the rest