
Happy birthday… but ray are you into Mike… wow:eek3:

Nah, fuck that stupid kid. Who puts a Supra wing and ‘tezzies’ on a gh3y ass 'lude anyway. :tool:

But Darkstar, he’s a cool cat. Happy Bday to him. :hsugh:


Happy B-Day Dorkstar :wink:


getting old sucks though.

At least you’re not as old as Pewter!

Happy Birthday


who joins a street racing club with a bunch of high school kids with busted rides named midnight racing when they all have to be home by 11.


so pittspeed is a car club.

happy b-day

Pittspeed is most definately not a car club. the way you can tell is that only some of our members have gay sex with each other, instead of all of them.

they dont call it a circle of friends for nothing

so THATS why your club’s cars are always so shiny. I’ll have to try that.