Day crew vs Night crew thread

nuff said

haha, night crew is black. no wonder they dont have jobs

Ya but day crew has a FUPA


Sorry for posting in night crew’s domain, but I could not restrain myself.

Pretty funny thread here.

with the way night crew is holding this down, i’m about to declare my allegiance to day crew.

Day Crew:

Night Crew:

Possibly not work safe?

And I’m not really 1 or the other…

i just got fired.

Day crew:

Night Crew:

pretty sure youve got those mixed up

This thread is full of night crew self pwnage.

Can we get rid of the NSFW pics Nikuk/Fry?

werd, just opened at work…not cool


night crew FAILS for NWS pics…you DOPE

Yeah…none of our fearless leaders are on to fix that…

If i get fired i’m burning NC houses down.

WTF is with the NSFW?! God it’s like these kids grew up with nothing but gasoline to drink

Most of the NC can only afford apartments(not homes) under power lines and spend their evenings eating lead paint chips and sticking pennies in electrical sockets.

night crew is trying to get us fired and converted to their ilk. They’re like the disease in 28 days later.

Oh noes! What do we doooooo?!

I wouldn’t go that far… They aren’t really that contagious… more like some STDs. Only an idiot like The Russian could get it. I like to think most of the DC is smart enough to protect themselves…