Dear teenager/early 20's dudes that wear Tapout apparel.


Yeah these brahs suck.

^ For some reason I can see Cougar wearing Tapout. Sorry man.

yea, but, hes not a 140 lb punk that can barely do 10 pushups.

Well if they don’t wear this shit then people will think they’re 140 pound weaklings. It’s like how I wear my hat backwards when I walk my Maltese at night so that nobody tries to rape be because I look tough. :cky:

I deff do not own any of the discussed items nor do I fit in to any said dude brah category LOL. But its ok im not taking offense from someone who has never met me haha.

Personally, you shouldn’t be wearing Tapout clothing unless you look like this:

You live in Tonawanda and ride a sport bike. ummmm brah?

It shouldn’t be based on age too. its your physical appearance and background.

I have a friend who is my age (24) and wears Tapout regularly but he also has competed in Muay Thai competitions and is also a Marine close combat instructor…I perfectly think its fine for him to wear it.

I was just going to say affliction too. God I hate that shit

Naw still gay if he was legit and they were his sponsor or something then fine. But this shit is just for moes like him that want to let everyone know how tough they are. weak

+1 to everything in this thread

tapout, affliction, ed hardy, tattoo shirts etc just so trashy
then the ones with the stickers on their car lulz

Meh, I dont think anybody should be wearing Tapout clothes because they say “Yo nerd. Im declaring how tough I am by wearing Tapout. I am the Alpha male in this room. Do what I say or I will respond with physical force”.

Doesnt matter how tough you acutally are. You’re still a dbag.


hahahaahahah i just LOL’ed hard!

My wife bought me an Ed Hardy tshirt at the outlet mall. No lie it’s the most comfy shirt I own so I don’t even care if I look like a bag in it (which I don’t. I look good in everything.)

How about this? Maybe the shirt was free? Maybe its all he can afford?
Stop being a :gay: and critiquing other guys clothes, the only point of them is to fuckin keep you warm and keep you from getting an indecent exposure arrest.

ps: I don’t wear tapout

ur gay

^^^^^ i do not think any of the mentioned brands are cheap

if the shirt was free, and the dude is poor, he should sell it on ebay and buy several less expensive shirts.

Say it to my face bitch.