Dethklok > *

When you say they were terrible, do you like their music? need to know if they just suck live. Although, a co-worker said they saw Chimaira a year or so ago and said for never hearing them before, they were really good.

They were just atrocious live, sounded like shit, no stage presence.

I totally thought this was about:

Which is way better than that gay band.

all you could hear from Chimaira was bass…it was horrible.

soylent green was real bad with the bass. chaimara was bad, but not as bad. i was more impressed with their set than i thought i would have been. the acoustics at the town ball room blow. where we were standing didn’t help that either. however, their lighting was fucking awesome. they had the strobes sync’d to the drums. it was wild.

deathklok was phenomenal.

i wish i could have gone. stupid hockey

Saw Chimaira with Stemm, Kataklysm, Devine Heresy and a few others at Infinity this past spring. I thought Chimaira sounded good there :gotme:. I didn’t get to see the Deathklok show…Really wanted to though :tdown:. I’ve been listening to a lot of Diecast and Heaven Shall Burn lately.

hockey is never stupid…