DONT LOOK if you have a weak stomach...

spanish batmobile?

good thing that was done to some sucky BMW instead of something precious like a k car :wink:


The farther I scrolled down the farther my jaw dropped!!!
All I could say is WTF WTF WTF!!!

wow, if that guy wanted to throw money away he coulda just handed it to me instead… There are no words for that monstrosity

why do you keep making posts with ugly cars?

please stop. it sucks

That’s all class right there.

Well, I like the… It’s not too… I mean…

I got nothing.

I think its my second thread with an ugly car in it??

i have counted 4 threads with ugly cars, and thugs.


Even in something we are spectacularly good at - breeding webbed-fingered bumblefucks who think spacked-up Clios look “phat innit” - we can still be beaten by our Continental neighbours.


WTFuck! that is pretty fugly

Barry boys is the shit guys. I stayed up to like 2AM last night laughing my ass off.

is that a toilet seat on the hood?

this should be in NWS

holy fuckin christ

check the ebay link :sigh:

thats some pimp my ride stuff right there. He must really love playing pool

Poor Landshark…

At first I was like “That doesn’t look that bad”,
Then I was like “BARF!”

Ya, from the outside it looks ok. then you see the inside… horrible…