Dresser for sale

How much for this dresser?

Heard d gage was not satisfied with the dresser and brought cock roaches into his home now. Thats fucked up Paul

Cock roaches were pregnant with Elvis’ children too.


Still waiting for pics of PJBs parents. I cant own it without knowing where it came from. Can we please have pics?

Just gave birth, I’m gonna need some contact info for the donors of said ghost semen for some required health records/information.

Oh, free bump for quality Jamaican-made dresser!

Jamaican made? Will it make my clothes smell like pot?

it will make your pot smell like clothes

Woah, kinda like stuffing a dryer sheet in a paper towel roll and exhaling through it? :rofl

Whoa Whoa Whoa, I paid PJB $120 for this and never recieved the item!!

Shady Jamaicans…

My mom sold this fucking thing at our garage sale for $10 three weeks ago.


will my $17 deposit be refunded?

nope, my dog ate it

Got screwed on this thing at a garage sale. Fell apart.

still was good to burn though, wasn’t it?

Was saturated with semen. Just smoldered.

should’ve let it dry out in the sun
