Dropkick Murphy's - TITS

bahaha a tent?, jeeez mike, priorities here.


bahaha a tent?, jeeez mike, priorities here.


think big beer tent to protect dozens of drunks in case it rains, not little 2 person camping tent that you like to touch little boys in :uhh:


lol little boys, big men, doesnt matter to me

elle oh elle


out :cry: buddy asked me for help in setting up a tent and shit for his double kegger :picard:


fucking gayyyyy

i’ll be thereeeeeeeeeee

if you know me…call my cellzzzzzz if ur down there

what time is dropkick comeing on?


fucking gayyyyy

i’ll be thereeeeeeeeeee

if you know me…call my cellzzzzzz if ur down there


I was going to go till I saw this post

lol asshole…

well it’s all good… cause im not going now

Love seeing them. They just played sunday here in Binghamton. Wish I could make this one too. Being deaf in one ear for 5 days is worth it…

I’ve never been to the whole TITS thing. Wanted to but eh…

what a good time, I was fuckin sweating my ass off in the pit

gotta get their new album

my friend who was there said someone on a motorcycle got hit by a car and died? anyone else hear about it or see it?

didn’t see the motorcycle thing, but there was a bunch of guys acting like assholes on their harley’s so i wouldn’t doubt it. I just got home now, it was a kick ass night. I have never seen so many people at the square, and i have been going since i was 17, that is like 7 years ago! wow i’m old.

wish i coulda went. school > me.

didn’t see anything either, but there were an assload of bikes there

quick cell phone pic… I have more that I’ll post when I feel like resizing them


thats not a bad pic at all. my friend sent me one, i could barely make out the stage he was so far away.

Was there. The beer tent line sucked but the show was good. Anybody else see the crackhead bitch get bodyslammed by the 350lb. security chick?

lol no, but wish I would of

I was one of the security guards catching you crowd surfers and helping you from not breaking your skulls on the pavement.

Thanks for the sore back fuckers!

hmm thats who you were!! lol my internet date dawn skipped out on me and i even saw newman i think standing on the corner.