duke laduke documentary video

i hope it has some go cause it sure as hell doesnt have show

Obviously jack ass, Its got rust … not going for show here so relaxx. I am gonna laugh if the d series romps on you .

you and me both kid:rofl


“tow hook #2” ahahahaha

pete’s commentary is hilarious LOL



“Did you put these stickers on yourself?”


Ahaha good work Pete. I see the goon squad was at synapse.

Yeah, I was there to steal shit from Paul

some people buy shit themselves and dont have mommy and daddy backing them up.

It might be a POS to some, but I would give more respect to the kid with the beat civic he bought himself compared to the kid with the cobra his parents bought…

just sayin.

Oh mannnn, showdown at high noon here

o rly? so mommy and daddy bought my cobra huh?


I dont see why there is so much hating in this scene, people used to actually respect eachother and their cars for the most part.

I gotta hear this. so how do you come to this conclusion ssssmokin?

yeah well fuck you adam.

didnt say that…

Did I say Dave, or YOUR…nope. It was a example…

I dont get why everyone rags on this kid? Half the people that tear him apart are no better. He’s a decent kid. Some of you people need to back the fuck up and open your damn eyes. Who cares if he has a project car that has issues. I dont give a fuck and neither should any of you. Its what he wants, its his damn car let him do whatever he wants to do with it with minimal criticism from the peanut gallery here on shift.

Shut up, your car sucks :rofl


and you