E muscles check in..

i think i’m gonna sign up for that new show bully beatdown on MTV:lol

gotta do it.

see sean, i said this at hatfields. i knew pete would be turned on by that show

Lmao you wont do it

ill start training with Jrubino. ill be good to go.

e-z money skipper.

speaking of money, you see the new ci ci’s pizza commercial?? pennies all over the parking lot, some with free buffet tags on them… thats ALL YOU!

OMG this thread is getting good

and ez money?? youre bigger than me, ill play the role of a shook kid and they will think youre the bully

i get money like na na na nana:excited

wooowwww. :rofl

i would not participate in the event because when they ask in the beginning “cash talks you down” i’d just decline.

Damn this thread really IS about E-muscles!!!

picture of pete on a field trip to ryans range


i dunt have any.:cry:

Yeaaa fight

this is good.:excited

I noticed, Brett is housing you.

Ha ha ha

let him preach to the choire(sp) i don’t care.

Damnt pete stick up for your self