LOL. bahh_psst im in north york. I was just sitting and chilling and all of a sudden my table starts shaking. I was like wtf haha, it was pretty small though nothing too crazy
meh 5.3
I thought I was having a leg spazm at work but apparantly I DID feel it, LOL
Felt it here in downtown toronto.
i’m in Arcade/Yorkshire, my toolbox (85" tall big thing) was rolling a bit bumping against the one wall and all my stuff was swinging… i thought i was crazy.
lol now cut my swaybar out of the tdi newman
I was dead asleep in the basement and didn’t feel anything, oh well
lol at progrockers video. a comment on youtube said “sounds like a warning from god!”
which got me thinking. what if god had an imcoming sms…on vibrate…and we are the thigh of the lord
rofl so thats why my couch was shaking, i thought i was having a muscle spasm or something
bahahahah LMAO…I love DX…in a side note…I’ve seen more and more little kids wearing DX shirts in the past couple months.
According to this we felt somewhere between .4 and .8 on the ole Richter scale.
jesus christ 29 users in this thread, i didnt feel anything at work
Rochester too some reports are saying.
Nothing felt in Cheektowaga at the Galleria. EVOLUTION MR was here with me and neither of us felt anything.
Didnt feel it here in Depew but did look at this thread!!! a few minutes before it happened and was thinking to myself when did they start predicting earthquakes.
- is Ottawa leveled?
- Does anyone care?
5.5 Magnitude in Ottawa. That’s nothing!
I work in downtown Rochester, we definitely felt it here. Enough to shake my super heavy desk. I thought I was just feeling a bit dizzy.
Updated original post with more info.