fantasy nascar 2008

1 Shortbus Racing 5,804
2 Shaggy 5,656
3 flyinglow57 5,442
4 carbedlsx 5,433
5 OrangeSS 4,990
6 Rowdy Burns Racing 4,350
7 Cheeks 4,129
8 Casteel Racing 4,117
9 Porno Red Racing 3,834
10 Scottie Mac 2,967
11 jph102900 2,418
12 Roxy16chick2005 2,382
13 Fireturds for life 2,294

more like asscar

1 Shortbus Racing 6,038
2 Shaggy 5,848
3 flyinglow57 5,648
4 carbedlsx 5,567
5 OrangeSS 5,202
6 Cheeks 4,419
7 Rowdy Burns Racing 4,350
8 Casteel Racing 4,117
9 Porno Red Racing 3,834
10 Scottie Mac 2,967
11 jph102900 2,418
12 Roxy16chick2005 2,382
13 Fireturds for life 2,294

we all had a shitty week. fuck gordon

WTF happened to gordon. fuck that sucks balls
Shaggy 38,551 89th -12,060 5848

I dropped 12k Spots :mad:

Fuck i even had Johnson 7th place :bash:. should of went with him.

First and last time i read up on the drivers

cheeks had a nice week with 290

gordon just got screwed on pitting and he was very loose and had a very long pit. JR was fine also most of the day then got screwd on the pit stratigy. i had stewart selected but went with gordon instead. jackass i am

Yep that would have bit up an easy 100 points on me.

Why won’t it let me change my drivers? It shows 9/9 for all of them…

should work now. it doesn’t work until a few hours after a race

1 Shortbus Racing 6,386
2 Shaggy 6,075
3 flyinglow57 5,909
4 carbedlsx 5,880
5 OrangeSS 5,443
6 Cheeks 4,819
7 Rowdy Burns Racing 4,350
8 Casteel Racing 4,123
9 Porno Red Racing 4,036
10 Scottie Mac 2,978
11 jph102900 2,418
12 Roxy16chick2005 2,383
13 Fireturds for life 2,298

cheeks had the biggest week that i have ever sceen. 400 pts. DAMN.

Cheeks kicked our ass with 400 Points
I lost another 13k spots :rolleyes:

STewart and johnson are fucking me up

3 shit weeks in a row for me. nice job mac

1 Shortbus Racing 6,570
2 Shaggy 6,286
3 flyinglow57 6,254
4 carbedlsx 6,137
5 OrangeSS 5,651
6 Cheeks 5,061
7 Rowdy Burns Racing 4,350
8 Porno Red Racing 4,134
9 Casteel Racing 4,123
10 Scottie Mac 2,988
11 jph102900 2,418
12 Roxy16chick2005 2,386
13 Fireturds for life 2,298

I fell apart this week, so much for 3 good weeks in a row

Still doesn’t let me pick new drivers, all mine show 9/9 races run, and I can’t pick any more. Even in the middle of the week. WTF

click select others right next to list a,b,c

try this

nice job mac. 4 shitty weeks owns my ass,

figures jimmy come thru went i need him :rolleyes:

1 Shortbus Racing 6,816
2 flyinglow57 6,616
3 Shaggy 6,539
4 carbedlsx 6,433
5 OrangeSS 5,889
6 Cheeks 5,319
7 Rowdy Burns Racing 4,350
8 Casteel Racing 4,134
8 Porno Red Racing 4,134
10 Scottie Mac 2,989
11 jph102900 2,419
12 Roxy16chick2005 2,389
13 Fireturds for life 2,298

Damn, don’t know how I missed that. Thanks Cheeks.

i am in the lead if you click the 2nd half of the season. hopin to catch up here in the next few weeks. ive had 2 or 3 awesome weeks.

Shortbus Racing 7,004
2 flyinglow57 6,900
3 Shaggy 6,823
4 carbedlsx 6,735
5 OrangeSS 6,171
6 Cheeks 5,551
7 Rowdy Burns Racing 4,588
8 Casteel Racing 4,134
8 Porno Red Racing 4,134
10 Scottie Mac 2,989
11 jph102900 2,419
12 Roxy16chick2005 2,389
13 Fireturds for life 2,298

another good week for me… 104 pts can be made up in one week… oh snaps.

not a good week for me… but oh well

1 Shortbus Racing 7,594
2 flyinglow57 7,440
3 Shaggy 7,358
4 carbedlsx 7,248
5 OrangeSS 6,579
6 Cheeks 5,868
7 Rowdy Burns Racing 5,110
8 Porno Red Racing 4,139
9 Casteel Racing 4,134
10 Scottie Mac 2,989
11 jph102900 2,419
12 Roxy16chick2005 2,399
13 Fireturds for life 2,301

1 Shortbus Racing 7,905
2 flyinglow57 7,658
3 Shaggy 7,583
4 carbedlsx 7,533
5 OrangeSS 6,860
6 Cheeks 6,129
7 Rowdy Burns Racing 5,347
8 Casteel Racing 4,144
8 Porno Red Racing 4,144
10 Scottie Mac 2,989
11 jph102900 2,422
12 Roxy16chick2005 2,399
13 Fireturds for life 2,302