:rofl yeahhh.
sbardy i was like food sucks just drinkin…
I’m not sure what was sloppier. The beef I ate or the beef between the crack head waitresses legs.
We need a Tilted Kilt around here. I went to the one in Columbus, Ohio about a month ago.
No busted waitresses and they wear much less than the waitresses at Hooters.
There was the one black dude waiter in a kilt and that was a little odd but my waitress was hot and had huge tits.
We need a dicks last resort too.
Funny thing is the waitresses say the same thing about the patrons.
Apparently there is one coming
My roommate was telling me about the one they have in watertown, sounds pretty awesome to me.
So true
Ive been to the one in Columbus twice and it sure was awesome.
There’s one in Watertown. Not close enough to make it worth the drive though.
could be a nice summer cruise.
Ill just get a 12 pack and some wings then camp out near one of the local colleges on a warm day. Basically the same thing.
All about the area… Albany could have a tilted kilt, and the same pigs will be working there as hooters.
Places like that start off strong and get worse and worse quality girls as time goes on.
Kinda like hooters last few months at crossgates. I thought I was in a butcher shop with all the beef curtains around.
its not the restaurant that has ugly looking girls its that area hahaha…
Columbus has hot girls everywhere.
Bars, mall, work, etc.
Hot college girls for about a week after getting hit on they get replaces with all the local trailer park girls…round the outside round the outside