fat heads wing night

thats why i get their early and get the table reservation in… this ain’t i first time at der fatheads

x 2

great wings indeed, but not much to look at besides the basket of wings :slight_smile:

i love the fathead original

do days got any isley’s chip chop ham?

chip “chop” ham :

No comments :slight_smile:
just joking mike

I don;t beat that shit up that bad :finger:



IB Phil shows up at 8:00 right as the table gets called to be sat.

This wasn’t a post to bitch about wait times, it was a call for sign ups so we know how big of a table to get…

English motherfucker do you speak it?

LOL :bowrofl:

$0.25 Scottdale firemans club wings > fatheads

when we going???

south side > scottdale.

work > me… might not make it to fat heads… :frowning:

we go every weds. Usually around 8pm