fawking yum

Fuck you then I’m buying an E30 and some $1k headlights

I thought that’s what you have now?

jclark loves this shit

yea traitors


You’re showing that fence up with all that whiteness.


i love the stock 19s… the 18s are JUNK

Disagree, they belong on a Tahoe in a 24" variety in south Troy. :shifty

CSLz are where it’s at:

no way. you belong in a dumpster with a bag tied around your head.

Well I’d have to disagree with you again.

CSLs > 18s > 19s.

and youll wind up in a dumpster eventually. keep it up.

I think the exact opposite.

Freaking love these wheels, although ZCP’s/CSL’s are my favorite wheels on e46’s:

^ Altima tunerz know what’s up.

well hopefully you dont hit your head on them, i want you to suffocate, and suffer, not get knocked out.

Damn, it was just easier to change that post completely than go back and ninja edit the quote in.

I dont want to live in a world filled with your afro-wheels anyway!

well we dont want you here anyway. :gtfo

Buy my E46 complete with 18s and CSLs.

That leguna seca blue thing looks like shit

no way. E46’s are for girls and people who read the newspaper/wipe with 2 ply TP… im not any of those.

i think my next car is gonna be a BMW