Find the 50 movies in this painting

26 now

hint, they’re not all horror movies

uhhhg my brain.

its not too bad after most. i got stuck on 2 of em for about 20 minutes otherwise i woulda had a faster time. i finished under an hour though

eraserhead, pirahnna(sp), the crow, the creature form the black lagoon, rosemarie’s baby, the shining

the grudge and the mummy were the ones that took me the longest to get


new ones to contribute:
clockwork orange, texas chainsaw massacre, the village, signs, the omen, sixth sense

ones i cant figure out, the kids holding the map, death in the circle, the guy in the window (thought it was secret window but guess not), the green M&M, the guy with the barrel on his head, and the lady with the h20 barrel (not lady in the water apparently)

green m&m- blue velvet

lady w/ barrel- dark water i think

guy in window- alien

20 out of 50 in 10 mins, i can’t think lol

im up to 43 now…i cant find the planet one, the hill (dark spot), the guy with the barrel, death in the circle, the dark entrance next to barrel guy, the stairs, and dude in the window…isnt secret window and isnt jeepers creepers…ugh 6 left.

finally got them all

Dont forget House of wax people

the planets…war of the worlds
the dark part of the hill with eyes… the hills have eyes
the lady with the water… dark water

i got the dark entrance a while ago but for some reason i can’t remember it again…

whats the mountain, the guy with the telescope, death with the circle fenced around him, and the stairs…

Its early but I think, twin peaks, rear window, 39 steps, Im forgeting the grim reaper right now, that was the one that took me the longest.

Dark entrance is pitch black I think

yes i finally finished that bitch, now i can get back to my life!

and yes the dark entrance is pitch black

i never would have got rear window if u didn’t tell me…

im missing the guy with basket on his head, children dancing in the circle, ppl looking at map and screaming, grim reaper, and one more

^^^ The wicker man, childs play, the lost boys, and i dont know the grim reaper one

wont take, “the boys”

EDIT: damn you, you editted