flobby aka duke the dukes new WHIP

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

Agree, I will not make any remarks to what I do or a build thread on this car. Only to few that I know will keep there mouths shut.I just don’t want people knowing what is done to my car.

Trust me, I hear ya. BUT, some people are like that. I have a few friends with mustangs that are like that…and everytime I tell em, you think youre the ONLY one thats ever built a mustang?? Cmon. But I do respect their decisions, although somewhat retarded

Exactly, it’s not like this car is going to be out racing for money and trying to “school/own” people.
I can totally see if someone had nitrous and they wanted to keep it hush. But trying and keeping a motor, let alone one that is CLEARLY turbo, something secret is stupid.

OK, if ANYONE says ANYTHING outside of shift about the Eaton M62 I have under the hood of my car I am going to flip a SHIT

Well your civic is your daily, and the weekend warrior, good example…

Your car is for females, and mostly stock. Shat up

ladude gettin anxious

Everyone has there own opinions… I disagree

Edited for truth.

Civic looks good dude

My edit, for truth. I stand behind my previous response… shat up.

bro I have a header. Mostly stock?!?!?! You’s crazy. :lol

My Civic is my only car, people that I have never met in my life, people in different states know what is done to “that white EG sedan”. I don’t really care. I’m not trying to hide anything. I’ll tell people what’s done to it if they ask.
You(not YOU, I’m just saying whoever) sound like a tool if someone asks what’s done to your Civic and you just smile like a retard and act like it’s something new and never seen before. The last thing I’d be trying to hide and fool people with is a D SERIES.

Remember when I shook your hand at HVCC last week? I jacked off that morning and iirc I did not wash my hands between said jack session and shaking of your hand.


haha I really don’t think his car is stock…

You gon’ get it.


Exactly,your opinion(I)…This is not YOUR car.

Done posting on this thread…

Adam’s going to punch me next time he sees me. :lol