For sale 93 RHD Civic

Take $5,000 Cash?

thats a joke right?

hahaha sorry bro that wouldnt even buy my motor but thanks for lookin

Well, I knew you wouldnt take that, but I was hoping for at least an asking price to be stated, after a low ball offer. Thanks.

he just stated a ballpark right there


so offers starting at 10k

which is fair for a 600+hp clean RHD car

dam fair considering his set up

i can understand 10k for 600hp is good, but what does being right hand drive have anything to do with it? unless you are a mailman.

because its rare and to do a rhd conversion it costs money

therefore the cost of converting it has to be factored into the price.

you wouldnt put 2000$ wheels on your car and when you sell it not include it in the price would you?

im not being a dick i like the car. i just wanted to know why someone would want to convert to rhd?

well one to be different and 2 i hit a deer goin 65mph and F**Ked up my whole frontend so i needed fenders, hood, bumper, head lights,and i wanted the b16 motor from Japan anyways so i did it all in one shot and it was way cheaper in the long run

but back on the sale its a great car and if no one has the cash or trade this winter im goin to buy a few things, bigger turbo and a few other top hush hush things and it should def be in the 9’s next year…:burnout:

bump back from the dead got it on a few different websites

$12,000 or a very got trade