Found - Ricer version of the mustang / e-thug picture

girl or car? or both?

id hit it…

with a 2x4

both car and female

it looks like it has a booger or something

She’s alright but I’d have to ear muff her…^

thats a 3kgt

thats not a mustang, looks like a 3000gt.

luckily i never said it was a mustang

what is your title implying then, cuz i took it as to say this was a mustang?

I’ll assume its past peoples bed times or the thread title was changed.

but I believe it said “Ricer version of mustang e-thug”

meaning that there is a mustang e-thug poster out there and this is the ricer version.

which its not quite as bad…

If this doesn’t work I’ll fix it later

^^^no its bigrons post thats throwing me off, he showed more pictures of the “said mustang”.

Didn’t even read the text, went straight to the pictures on that post… my fault. now it all makes sense. Well most of it does.

i think i get it now. this was in reference to the e-thug mustang picture, right? you were not saying that you thought this was a mustang. you needed to word the title and/or explain yourself better. it seemed like you thought that the picture you posted was a riced out mustang. that is why everyone, including myself, thought you were a retard. carry on.

this thread fails