FREE: Honda/Acura parts: seats, wheels, lights, etc...

FREE!!! come and take it!

happen to have a dr side qtr panel for a dc teg?

hey what year is the gauge cluster from i need the plastic cover for a 95 teg. lemme know ill come get it this weekend

i’d like the tails if possible, are you available to meet up either tomorrow evening or thurs?

i need the cluster if you still have it. i can pick it up pretty much whenever you want me to.

ill be around this afternoon, likely anytime after 3 oclock.

call me 516-680-5349, first come first serve, im not holding anything for anyone.

Coupe/hatch hood will not fit correctly on a 4 dr.

what is left?

everything on that list.

I will try and keep it updated as people come and snag it.

so da seats still there ?? where abouts are you?.. i did not look to see if andy was on OP

yeah i have the da seats. I am in amherst, near UB north campus. Around the block from Duffs at Millersport/Sheridan.

thanks tom i;ll see you tonight, ill take the cluster and the bezel!!!

is the hood gone yet? cuz i’ll take the ish.
Let me know

still got the hood